Website for all Earthlings

Registration of your earthlingmembership

Frequently asked questions

What will the earthpassport cost? (Not to be mixed up with national passports)

Earthpassport is a membershipcard for you connected to this website and the human organisation Earthlings that we are forming with the site, it is not valid as passport between countries for entry.



One perons membership = 1 USD/or 1 EUR or 1 GBP or 10 SEK.

Families membership up to 5 persons = 3 USD/or 3 EUR or 3 GBP or 30 SEK.

Your Earthpassport will cost per person = 3 USD/or 3 EUR or 3 GBP or 30 SEK and it will be valid

at least 10 years and until further notice.   



Global Warming due to Fukushima?? = Global weatherchange!

7 Jan 2015

Does Fukushima three meltdowns change the global weather? Does the nuclear meltdown produce  vast quantities of electrons/other particals chargeing/changeing the atmosphere?  For sure the Tjernobyl accident 1986 did change the weathersituation in the agean sea between greece and turkey, as I have sailed in these waters several times and read the loogbooks kept in the [...]



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